These cumulative pre-release notes include the following versions:

  • 1618543799
  • 1617834302
  • 1613874280
  • 1608598199
  • 1608551127
  • 1603689187
  • 1602008042

New Features

  • Added --no-implicit-imports argument to disable implicit import discovery
  • Added compiler and flags path checks to project validation
  • Parallelized remote downloads (currently, worker limit bound to processor count)

ZipFile include paths

A Path attribute has been added to the Include element that allows the user to specify where in the ZipFile the included file will be located.

  <ZipFiles Output="@modpath">
    <ZipFile Name="@modname" RootDir="@modpath" Compression="deflate">
      <Include>@modpath\Auto Loot.esp</Include>
      <Include>@modpath\Auto Loot - Main.ba2</Include>
      <Include>@modpath\Non-Playable Flags Patch.esp</Include>
      <Include Path="optional">@modpath\Auto Loot - UFO4P Components Patch.esp</Include>

In the above example, the file Auto Loot - UFO4P Components Patch.esp will appear in a top-level folder named optional within the ZIP archive.

Note: The Path attribute is used only to create or specify folders. Files cannot be renamed.


  • Fixed issue where empty game path produced game type project validation error
  • Fixed issue where Folder parsing could fail due to unexpected input
  • Fixed issue where relative flags path could be returned when path ended with flags file name
  • Fixed issue where relative PapyrusProject.Output path was not properly converted to absolute path
  • Fixed issue where relative Package.RootDir path was not properly converted to absolute path
  • Fixed issue where scripts could not be downloaded from private GitHub remotes
  • Fixed issue where only one compilation error could be logged (originally intended to be helpful but could be confusing)
  • Fixed issue where the colon delimiter could not be used in Folder paths (e.g., <Folder>Scripts:Source:User</Folder>)
  • Fixed issue where Pyro would hang during parallelization due to upstream Nuitka 0.6.9.x bug
  • Fixed issue where --game-type argument value was not passed forward
  • Fixed issue where --zip-compression argument was not handled
  • Fixed issue where --game-type and --zip-compression argument values could be not lowercase
  • Fixed issue where "game type detected from registry path" warning could print in error
  • Fixed issue where "game type detected from registry path" warning could throw KeyError
  • Fixed issue where Embed File Names flag was added to SSE archives containing textures
Let's Play with Fire